10 Quotes to remember when things get tough: Part 1

We've all been there; a project has gone well and we peak on an endorphin high that has us swelling with bliss. But it doesn't last and we find ourselves wondering, pondering and considering if we're actually on the right track. 

Yes, you are! 

This post is the first of two. I've found some light hearted pretty quotes to brighten your day for the first post. Next week's post will be on deeper literary quotes about rebellious creativity, modern art and overcoming anxiety. 

For now, enjoy the brighter side of pursuing your dreams xx 

1. You Got This


4. Oh The Places You'll Go - Dr Seuss


5. While you procrastinate - Jessica Hische


6. Who will stop me? - Ayn Rand 


7. Hustle


8. Go, Creativity is calling


9. Sparkle Girl!


I hope you enjoyed today's quick post. Let's get lengthy with it next week. 

Maya xx